Stéph & Shay are world-renowned international speakers, having addressed audiences in Canada, Australia, and the UK, to name a few. Authority figures on Mindpower, Mental Toughness, and Emotional Resilience, they are two of the most impactful keynote speakers in the world today.
Individually, Stéph & Shay are energizing, but together, they are a magnetic powerhouse! They consistently “wow” audiences of all sizes—from a dozen people in an intimate setting to ballrooms of hundreds and stadiums of thousands. Their commanding, dynamic, and engaging style leaves their audiences in awe and—more importantly—motivated to take action. Their content and style educate, motivate, and inspire audiences like no other speaking dynamic duo can.
When you hire them to speak, your audience will experience a customized, life-changing message that is sure to have a lasting impact!

Become one of the most elite leaders in the world that can navigate any chaotic situation.
60-90 Minute Keynote or 3-6 Hour Workshop
Cultivate the skills and attitude required to become a highly effective leader, capable of confidently handling any turbulent situation, small or large, due to your inner resilience. People will look to you as their guide, to lead them through both the good times and the bad.
The truth is, in a time of crisis, the people who have mental toughness and emotional resilience are more likely to succeed. The harder truth is, the people who don’t hone in on their Mindpower and inner resilience, rarely weather the storm. We’ve seen this happen firsthand between the 2008 market crash to the 2020 global pandemic. During these chaotic times, the leaders who were working on their Mindpower daily were undoubtedly the most resilient, and therefore the most successful people in the world. We call these select few individuals “The Resilient Leaders.”
Stéph & Shay have worked with some of the most elite business leaders and high performers that are in business today. They will cut the fluff and teach you the exact strategies the most resilient leaders are using today. The attendees will join the select few who choose to BE RESILIENT.
Increase your resilience, your focus, and your success.
60-90 Minute Keynote or 3-6 Hour Workshop
Master the 3 Pillars of Mindpower and learn fast & effective Mindpower exercises that will train your brain to grow mentally tough and emotionally resilient. This is necessary to become a part of the 1% — the most elite in the world.
Learn how to apply the game-changing mindset strategies that everyone is talking about from the Wall Street Journal & USA Today Bestselling book, Master Your Mindpower. This keynote/workshop from Stéph & Shay, the authority figures on the topics of Mindpower, mental toughness, and emotional resilience, will assist you to massively increase your resilience, have laser-like focus, and fast-track your success. It all starts with building a rock-solid foundation within, which we will accomplish during the keynote/workshop.
Once your foundation is set, we’ll hone in on your mental toughness by teaching you time-tested strategies that you can use to become mentally tough and emotionally resilient. Finally, you will learn mind blowing habit hacks that will help you become much more efficient in your day-to-day activities (personally and professionally) that is sure to 10X your productivity. The attendees will learn everything it takes to MASTER YOUR MINDPOWER.
The secrets to building an ELITE team that stays motivated, consistently works together, and achieves all of their goals.
60-90 Minute Keynote or 3-6 Hour Workshop
Align the thinking, behaviors, and actions of everyone on your team, leading to significantly better communication, cohesiveness, and results. Everyone will have a “do whatever it takes” attitude and start to perform at an elite level.
Build your team’s unity when working together, so that everyone is aligned, on the same page, and communicating effectively. When a team is not aligned and unified it leads to low engagement, high employee turnover, and decreased results. This can cost the company greatly! You need to get your team aligned and on the same page immediately! It’s important to get everyone moving in the same direction while working on projects and goals. When this is achieved, everything in the company or department will flow smoothly, including your results.
Get ready to outperform your rivals and your own past metrics. Stéph & Shay have consulted and coached some of the most elite teams in the world today (BMW, Keller Williams, Bayer, New York Life to name a few). They understand what is necessary to help a team transcend beyond the ordinary and become extraordinary as an ELITE TEAM.
Want to hire us to speak at your event?
We have spoken for these
prestigious organizations:

The Road to Resilience Begins Here. BOOK A CALL.
We’d love to connect with you about your business goals and how one of our training programs can create a massive shift for you and those in your life. Click on the link below to schedule a call with a Mindpower Coach.

SPEAKING Testimonials

“Stéph & Shay rolled up in a golden chariot and pulled me out of the wreckage and placed me on the road to the BEST SUCCESS ever, equipped with the right tools to deal with life’s ups and downs.”

Stéph & Shay helped me really understand the WHY and HOW of mental toughness, which is HUGE. Thank you!”

“Absolutely LIFE CHANGING!"

I am so much more positive than I have been over the last year, specifically, and even over the last 5 years. Thank you, Stéph & Shay!

Once in a blue moon, you will experience a speaker that BLOWS AWAY THE AUDIENCE and creates a new standard, that will energize the audience, and will motivate them to take massive action immediately.

Every step I take with the Mindpower Breakthrough feels freeing. I feel more alive!

I have been doing the Morning Routine for Mental Toughness daily.
I love it!

2 hours into my scheduled day and I already feel 100x more productive, focused and calm!

This module makes my brain so

I feel like the Mindpower Planning System has really helped me focus on my tasks.

Doing breathing and gratitude every morning has been fabulous! I have had a bunch more effective energy this week!
Gina Vokoun

Oh my gosh! That is the most incredible thing I’ve ever experienced! I feel really great!